Showing posts with label shine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shine. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Our Scratch

Thank God

YOU give me chance to meet
Someone in this hopeful place
At glance I have a lot of share
Leads to the beautiful pond full of care
Together rise up joy and dare
Fill the days with meaningful laugh and smile

            I find the shining eyes seem to show
            Long story of great heart hiding sorrows
            It is hard when they come and grow
            Now trying and praying to let them go

Your strength seems somehow
Will bring to the bright days of tomorrow
May God direct and strengthen your heart now
For every single step to go

                           July 2007
                           Tomy RA Pratomo

                                                no other

There’s no other man
That can touch my heart
But you

Then …
No matter and whoever you are
I will always love you

Cause …
You are the one who’s raised me up
From the sorrow that long I’ve had

                   Till …
I can see the light
From the tunnel of the darkness
The light that will bring us
To the happiness

July 5, 2007
too far away
Am I going too far away?
Back to your track, dearest one!
Face the challenge alone,
As usual…

                   Never trust others to help you
Or else…
They will humiliate you
Only trust ALLAH
In every single step you make
In every single breath you take

Let’s pray, pray and pray
You can do the best for your life
Only with the guidance of ALLAH 
                                                                                    July 7, 2007
June the 17th!
It’s been years since we first met
by then we’ve  both  been…
getting closer n closer
Our smiles are captured in every wonderful moment
Our prays are sparkled in very quite n still nights  
Our names are engraved in our deepest n purest heart
All these miracles
Have always been inspiring us
in facing our hardest n most painful times
Have always been leading us to  find ways n solutions
Our life has totally changed since then
Greatest thanks to ALLAH
who has granted these marvelous blessings for us
Happy anniversary for  both of us!