Showing posts with label circumstances. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circumstances. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Ihfadh Lisaanak

 Lisan in Arabic, tounge in English or lidah in Bahasa has a main role in our lives especially in communication. It could sometime endanger and save us as well.

Actually, the dangerous of it has been cleared. A wise sayings has already mentioned “A tongue is as sharp as a sword” and in Bahasa we have “Mulutmu Harimaumu” (Your mouth is your tiger). Both reflect how dangerous our lives would be if we do not manage this tactfully.

We also have to be careful with this, as human communication is really depended on it. We cannot create an effective communication, if we do not successfully handle it. Besides, an effective communication could maintain relationships as networking or sillaturahim that we should promote, because more than 90 percent of the Al Qur’an relates the importance of human relationships hablum minan naas.

We will be really appreciated if we do the charity, giving parts of our belongings to the others. But if it is followed with ada means we give it with always mention and mention all the time that can insult the one that we give, our endeavors would be fruitless and could endanger the essence of sillaturahim among us.

Through this part of body we would also perform ghibah and even the worstfitnah. Ghibah means we talk about something shameful that others do, behave, or act and spread it everywhere, and fitnah means we accused someone doing something shameful and embarrassing that the misery cannot be handled and haunted the rest of their lives, and for them it is better if they end their lives instead of they should face these shameful circumstances. Both then of course really endanger the silaturrahim and really against the principles of Ukhuwah Islamiyah that essencially promotes brotherhood and friendship.

Knowing its importance, ukhuwah is represented as (1) one body, so if, for example, our hand is sick, the whole body will also feel uncomfortable, and will cares to this and try to cure and heal the sickness, or as (2) one strong building bunyan, every part of the building takes part together with their own roles to make the building strong. Then, how could we hurt others, if it then means we hurt ourselves?

We should be responsible for anything we have and should give its benefits as many as possible for others, including this part of body. Then we should tell the truth regardless the conditions we face, Qulil Haq wa lau kana murran tell the truth even it is bitter. If we tell a lie, we will make someone unhappy if oneday he knows the truth. We can tell a lie maybe in this case as what we know as white lie, that is a lie told to create happiness in others and strengthen the relationships, eg. between husband and wife, as a token of appreciation, love and care; or for tabayyun asking for clarification, eg. when one of qishah our great prophet Muhammad, PBUH asked by some people in a rush and wanted to kill a man , whether he saw someone passed him, and he said no, but actually he saw him, then he wanted to do the tabayyun then he protected the man. But, after everything is clear then he accordingly punished or let the man free.

Our lisan, qalb heart, and amal endeavors should be confirmed among another to reflect certain behavior. Someone who are different in those three, eg for half yes and for the rest no, could be called as hypocrisy, and this is the worst endeavor of all and the place for people who do this is the deepest part of the hell asfala saafiliin. Three major characteristics of the hypocrisy: neglecting their duties, telling lies, and breaking rules and promises.

Hope ALLAH protect us all from such behaviors. Amien

(1st Launched @wordpressdated August 24,2012)