Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Our Scratch

Thank God

YOU give me chance to meet
Someone in this hopeful place
At glance I have a lot of share
Leads to the beautiful pond full of care
Together rise up joy and dare
Fill the days with meaningful laugh and smile

            I find the shining eyes seem to show
            Long story of great heart hiding sorrows
            It is hard when they come and grow
            Now trying and praying to let them go

Your strength seems somehow
Will bring to the bright days of tomorrow
May God direct and strengthen your heart now
For every single step to go

                           July 2007
                           Tomy RA Pratomo

                                                no other

There’s no other man
That can touch my heart
But you

Then …
No matter and whoever you are
I will always love you

Cause …
You are the one who’s raised me up
From the sorrow that long I’ve had

                   Till …
I can see the light
From the tunnel of the darkness
The light that will bring us
To the happiness

July 5, 2007
too far away
Am I going too far away?
Back to your track, dearest one!
Face the challenge alone,
As usual…

                   Never trust others to help you
Or else…
They will humiliate you
Only trust ALLAH
In every single step you make
In every single breath you take

Let’s pray, pray and pray
You can do the best for your life
Only with the guidance of ALLAH 
                                                                                    July 7, 2007
June the 17th!
It’s been years since we first met
by then we’ve  both  been…
getting closer n closer
Our smiles are captured in every wonderful moment
Our prays are sparkled in very quite n still nights  
Our names are engraved in our deepest n purest heart
All these miracles
Have always been inspiring us
in facing our hardest n most painful times
Have always been leading us to  find ways n solutions
Our life has totally changed since then
Greatest thanks to ALLAH
who has granted these marvelous blessings for us
Happy anniversary for  both of us!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Heart #2:Ultimate

Assalamu’alaikum wRwB

It’s really hard to start but without communicating this, I won’t be able to face this life peacefully in the years to come and I’m afraid I’m wrong because I neglect all the miracle that ALLAH has already granted to us, and do not try hard to pursue the right that we should achieve for the rest of our lives.

We’ve been close friend since then and we’ve also discussed so many things since the beginning of  our friendship began. Hopefully, we’ve already known each other very well, our basic principle, our way of life, etc. But actually  I don’t know the feeling of others and the firmness of others in promoting the truth itself (including you in this case).

I know since the beginning,  I’ve talked a lot about my world, and I feel you’ve respected and (hopefully trusted) me, my kids and all my related world so much, but in reverse you never talk too much about yours, especially your beloved ones. This makes me really eager to know but never be satisfied, I just can create my own description about you and your world. But, lately, because of ALLAH guidance everything is getting clearer and clearer everyday.

Since the beginning I initiated this relationships, I and everyone that I know believe that you are a good man, and nobody tries to persuade me to end this relationship, everyone always supports me to continue the relationship, with, of course, I should maintain and maintain my patience, but why? I still don’t understand until now.

And since the beginning of this relationship, even though I don’t know who you are, but there are courage in me to always be prepare to any unpredictable happenings in this relationship, so I’ve already set everything – dare to be happy, be sad, even worst than that, cause I believe it won’t be easy to have a relationship like this, both of course have our own traumatic experiences as well as sweet memories and achievements happening in our past times, that both should  care, handle, and appreciate.

The ta’aruf has been occurred within the six month period, then, I know that you have already one, but actually it doesn’t a matter for me because I’m not against polygamous marriage, but  then I’ve been shown her sms, she considered that the relationship could endanger hers, but she actually was wrong at that time, because I never thought to do such irresponsible acts, like hurting others, overruling or even pulling you away from your beloved ones.  But by then,  I have tried hard to turn away from you, but again I’m failed, until now my love to you has been greater and greater each day.

I’m really confused actually, because, for me,  my faith and my belief, after the ta’aruf stage there won’t be any other endeavor except getting married. But, I should face the real confusing life, because I don’t know in what position I should stand. Should I ask you to marry me? But when  I think about this,  I will suddenly cry harder and harder, because I really don’t want to be in that position, cause I’m afraid I will hurt the ones that you really love. But, I myself have even been trying hard to be away from you and no to contact you but I’m failed and failed again.

It is good or not in your opinion, your culture or even your religion, besides,  I also feel ashamed actually to launch this idea to beg you to marry me, but I truly believe that this polygamous marriage can solve all the social problems. I promise I won’t change everything in your life, I just want to pursue and complete both of our family happiness.

You have to promise to yourself that through marrying me you won’t leave the ones you love but you’ll love them more. I just want to feel ease because I always feel inconvenient and against ALLAH rules because of my faith to HIM if I should contact  you after this ta’aruf stage accomplished. After that, you needn’t have to visit us if you do not want  and do not have time too, but contact us regularly that is enough for us.

Regardless to my own pride that has been fell apart, but only for begging and asking  the blessing from ALLAH the Almighty, with BISMILLAAHIRROHMAANIRROHIM I then send this email to you. Please forgive me, if it’s been too impolite, too vulgar, and  too strightforward for you….

Wa’laikumsalamu’alaikum wRwB…

(1st Launched @wordpress dated May 3,2010)

Heart #1: August the Eight

Heart #1: August the Eight

Dearest …

It is not easy to write down what happened to me and the reasons of what I did,  since it sounds so crazy. This is the story of my own version (yours may be quite different).

We know at the beginning everything went on as any other events, we introduced each other and attended classes, session by session, our seats were usually a little bit far (it was probably 3 or 4 times only we sat side by side in class). Nothing’s special. Time went on, we talked as others did. Then you told me your problem (I was surprised why you talked to me) and we discussed it together at any place and any time we had. Do you remember when we had a Long discussion  until there was no one but us? It seemed I also enjoyed it, even you said I was your doctor, though I did not understand really because I just told you what was in my mind. Then slowly but surely something grew in my heart that made me so close to you.

I tried hard not to believe that it happened to me and I did all of those stupid and silly behaviors simply because of self denying my own feeling. In front of our friends I made impression that we had no specific emotional relationship. Sometimes I could not help to laugh at myself why I did it. But the fact was that it did not work at all and you know it, I always hoped to meet you soon every day. So I’m very sorry for confusing you for a long time or perhaps making you unhappy, sad, and even hurting you. Once again, I’m really sorry for my stupid behaviors and I did not mean it actually.

When the rumor about us was blown up, crossing in my mind an idea to show off, but I could not do it, I even decided to stay away since I was afraid of making the situation getting worse. Again, I behaved stupid things though deep in my heart it was different. I hoped you got no more trouble because of me, but you thought other way around. Sometimes I also thought I was your trouble maker, made you unhappy, sad, and even crying. That guilty feeling often drove me to forget my feeling, but once again it totally failed. We got closer and closer. Is it funny or romantic?

As you know that I committed to myself to help you finishing the program and it was the main purpose for that time and I am Very proud of your successful achievement to be number one in our class. I appreciate your hard work and congratulation. It was not easy to get that position but you have proved it and it also proves that you are strong woman and I am sure you will have a good future life with your three inspiring children with you. I think you are not only tough, but you are great Mom. You must trust yourself and your confidence that you can face the world with smile and optimistic.

The dark will End by the coming of sunlight that shines on your heart.

Anyway, I am happy when You and the children are happy and enjoy the life peacefully and I always support whatever you do and whatever you decide for the sake of your future, joy and happiness.
Last but not least, I also thank you for everything since being with you I am so … glad and happy, it’s wonderful moment in my life like the lyric of the song “all my life I will feel it” though I deny it at the beginning (he…he…he…).

Please give a chance to meet them someday, I mean it and it is a must I think.
This is  to explain what I did and I feel now…

Best Wishes,


(1st Launched @wordpressdated August 8, 2007)

3ple N 4 Smart Kids

The concept of Triple N – Nature, Nurture, and Nutrition should well be understood thoroughly by young parents, teachers of kindergartens and teachers of primary schools, in promoting smart kids especially for preparing readiness for facing challenges in this globalization technology era. 

In the Nature concept, to have kids with genetically excellent, the parents-to-be should be equipped by the knowledge of wellness long before they commit to get married. When a mom starts planning for pregnancy, she should be ready both physically and psychologically, to have a genetically good quality of a baby. 

In the Nurture concept, the parent as the persons that the baby gets acquainted first, should also be equipped by the knowledge of good parenting, in order to have an intellectually and socially good quality of a baby. Promoting good interaction can be done since the pregnancy through introducing first communication, both of the parent should always communicate with the baby during the pregnancy, and try to introduce the baby with classical music or beautiful rhythm,  of course,  the interaction should be continued when the baby was born to this world, through maintaining interaction and introducing every new environment, as both are believed to be effective for increasing both intellectual an emotional intelligences. 

In the nutrition concept, there are at least two steps that the parent-to-be should prepare for, the first, in pre-maternal stage: since the beginning of pregnancy, the parent should consume high quality of food, do virtue acts, and close to the All Mighty God as our Creator, as both physically and spiritually nutrition for the parent and baby; and the second, post maternal stage: give the baby breast milk as their only first best nutrition, in order to develop the baby emotionally, at the initial stage of the baby’s life. Continue introducing varieties of food, when the baby grows up. Through promoting good qualities of the Triple N, we hope that all the babies will grow up to be smart kids and  are ready enough to face the hardships as well as challenges in their future, including in this globalization technology era.

(1st Launched @wordpressdated August 29,2012)

Sunday, 16 September 2012

10 Wasiat Hasan Al-Bana

“Dirikanlah shalat dengan segera manakala telah tendengar adzan, sepanjang tidak ada udzur bagimu”

“Bacalah Al-Qur’an, tela’ah dan dengarkanlah pembahasan ilmu. Berdzikirlah kepada ALLAH. Dan jangan lewatkan waktu walaupun sedikit hanya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak berguna”

“Bersungguh-sungguh berbicara bahasa Arab dengan fasih, sebab itu adalah syiar Islam”

“Janganlah memperbanyak perdebatan dalam segala hal, sebab berperang mulut sama sekali tidak mendatangkan kebaikan”

“Janganlah memperbanyak tertawa, sebab hati yang berhubungan dengan ALLAH selalu tenang dan tentram”

“Jangan bergurau, karena ummat Islam yang berjuang tidak mengetahui, kecuali sungguh-sungguh”

“Jangan mengeraskan suara melebihi kebutuhan orang yang mendengarkan, sebab itu suatu kebodohan yang menyakitkan”

“Jauhilah mengumpat orang lain, panggil memanggil dengan gelar-gelar yang buruk, dan jangan berbicara kecuali yang baik”

“Berkenalanlah dengan saudaramu sesam muslim di mana saja berjumpa, sekalipun dia tidak mengajak berkenalan, sebab dasar seruan Islam adalah cinta kasih dan kenal mengenal”

“Kewajiban-kewajiban hidup lebih banyak daripada waktu yang tersedia, maka berilah pertolongan orang lain untuk memanfaatkan waktu. Manakala kamu mempunyai kepentingan, maka segera lakukan”

(1st Launched @wordpress dated June 6, 2012)

Akhlaqul Karimah

Based on:  QS. Al Mu’minun 23:1-11

Ayah 1:
Successful indeed o the believers;

Ayah 2:
Those who offer their salat (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness

Ayah 3:
And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all that  Allah has forbidden

Ayah 4:
And those who pay the zakat

Ayah 5:
And those who guard their chastity (i.e private parts, from illegal sexual acts.)

Ayah 6:
Except from their wives or (the slaves) that their right hand possess, for then, they are free from blame

Ayah 7:
But who ever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressor

Ayah 8:
Those who are faithfully true to their amanat (all the duties which Allah as ordained, honesty, moral responsibility, and trust) and to their covenants

Ayah 9:
And those who strictly guard their (five compulsory congregational) shalawat (prayers) (at their fixed stated hours)

Ayah 10:
These are indeed the inheritors

Ayah 11:
Who shall inherit the firdaus(paradise. they shall dwell therein forever.)

(1st Launched @wordpressdated June 6, 2012)

Esensi Akhlaq Islami

I. Pedoman Pergaulan antara Laki-laki dan Wanita yang bukan Mahram (QS. 24 AnNur: 30-31):

Aku berlindung dari segala godaan syaithan yang terkutuk

30. Katakanlah kepada orang laki-laki yang Beriman, “Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya; yang demikian itu lebih suci bagi mereka, sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka perbuat”.

31. Katakanlah kepada wanita yang Beriman, “Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka, menampakkan perhiasannya (auratnya), kecuali yang biasa tampak daripadanya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kudung ke dadanya, dan janganlah menampakkannya, kecuali kepada suami mereka, ayah mereka, atau ayah suami mereka, atau putra-putra mereka, atau putra-putra suami mereka, atau saudara-saudara laki-laki mereka, atau putra saudara laki-laki mereka, atau putra-putra saudara perempuan mereka, atau wamita-wanita Islam, atau budak-budak yang mereka miliki, atau pelayan-pelayan laki-laki yang tidak mempunyai keinginan (terhadap wanita), atau anak-anak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat wanita. Dan janganlah mereka memukulkan kakinya, agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan. Dan bertobatlah kamu sekalian kepada ALLAH, hai orang-orang yang beriman supaya kamu beruntung.

II. Tata Krama Seputar Ibadah dan Pergaulan (QS. 17 Al Isra: 21 -39):

Aku berlindung dari segala godaan syaithan yang terkutuk

21. Perhatikanlah bagaimana Kami lebihkan sebagian mereka atas sebagaian (yang lain). Dan pasti kehidupan akhirat lebih tinggi tingkatnya dan lebih besar keutamaannya.

22. Janganlah kamu adakan tuhan yang lain di samping ALLAH, agar kamu tidak menjadi tercela dan tidak ditinggalkan (ALLAH).

23. Dan Tuhan-mu telah Memerintahkan supaya kamu jangan menyembah selain Dia dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik kepada ibu bapakmu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Jika salah seorang di antara keduanya, atau kedua-duanya sampai berumur lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka janganlah sekali-kali kamu mengatakan ‘ah’ dan janganlah kamu membentak mereka dan ucapkanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia.

24. Dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap mereka berdua dengan penuh kesayangan dan ucapkanlah “Wahai Tuhanku, kasihilah mereka keduanya, sebagaimana mereka berdua telah mendidik aku waktu kecil.

25. Tuhan-mu lebih Mengetahui apa yang ada dalam hatimu; jika kamu orang-orang yang baik, maka sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampun bagi orang-orang yang bertobat.

26. Dan berikanlah (rizqimu) kepada keluarga-keluarga yang dekat akan haknya, kepada orang miskin dan orang yang dalam perjalanan; dan janganlah kamu mengahambur-hamburkan hartamu secara boros.

27. Sesungguhnya pemboros-pemboros itu adalah saudara syaithan, dan syaithan itu adalah sangat ingkar kepada Tuhan-nya.

28. Dan jika kamu berpaling dari mereka untuk memperoleh Rahmat dari Tuhan-Mu yang kamu harapkan, maka katakanlah kepada mereka (keluarga terdekat, fakir miskin, dan ibnu sabil) ucapan yang pantas.

29. Dan janganlah kamu jadikan tanganmu terbelenggu pada lehermu, dan janganlah kamu terlalu mengulurkannya, karena itu kamu menjadi tercela dan menyesal.

30. Sesungguhnya Tuhan-mu melapangkan rizqi kepada siapa yang Dia Kehendaki dan Menyempitkannya.

31. Dan janganlah kamu membunuh anak-anakmu, karena takut kemiskinan. Kami-lah yang akan memberi rizqi kepada mereka dan juga kepadamu. Sesungguhnya membunuh mereka adalah suatu dosa yang besar.

32. Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk.

33. Dan janganlah kamu membunuh jiwa yang diharamkan ALLAH (membunuhnya), melainkan dengan suatu alasan yang benar. Dan barang siapa yang dibunuh secara zalim, maka sesungguhnya Kami telah Memberi Kekuasaan kepada ahli warisnya, tetapi janganlah ahli waris itu melampaui batas dalam membunuh, sesungguhnya ia adalah orang yang mendapat pertolongan.

34. Dan janganlah kamu mendekati harta anak yatim, kecuali dengan cara yang lebih baik (bermanfa’at) sampai ia dewasa dan penuhilah janji; sesungguhnya janji itu pasti diminta pertanggungjawabannya.

35. Dan sempurnakanlah takaran apabila kamu menakar, dan timbanglah dengan neraca yang benar. Itulah yang lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baik akibatnya.

36. Dan janganlah kamu mengikuti apa yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentangnya. Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati, semuanya itu akan dimintapertanggungjawabannya.

37. Dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi ini dengan sombong, karena sesungguhnya kamu sekali-kali tidak dapat menembus bumi, dan sekali-kali kamu tidak akan sampai setinggi gunung.

38. Semua itu kejahatannya amat dibenci di sisi Tuhan-mu.

39. Itulah sebagian Hikmah yang Diwahyukan Tuhan kepadamu. Dan janganlah kamu mengadakan tuhan yang lain di samping ALLAH, yang menyebabkan kamu dilemparkan ke dalam neraka dalam keadaan tercela dan dijauhkan (dari Rahmat ALLAH).

III. Nasihat Luqman kepada Anaknya (QS. 31 LUQMAN: 12-19):

Aku berlindung dari segala godaan syaithan yang terkutuk

12. Dan sesungguhnya telah kami berikan Hikmat kepada Luqman, yaitu: “Bersyukurlah kepada ALLAH, dan barang siapa yang bersyukur (kepada ALLAH) maka sesungguhnya ia bersyukur untuk dirinya sendiri, dan barang siapa yang tidak bersyukur, maka sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha Kaya lagi Maha Terpuji”.

13. Dan ingatlah ketika Luqman berkata pada anaknya, di waktu dia memberi pelajaran kepadanya: “Hai anakku, janganlah kamu mempersekutukan ALLAH, sesunggunya mempersekutukan (ALLAH) adalah benar-benar kezaliman yang besar.

14. Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia (berbuat baik) kepada dua orang ibu bapaknya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyapihnya dalam dua tahun. Bersyukurlah kepada-KU, dan kedua orang ibu bapakmu, hanya kepada Ku lah kamu kembali.

15. Dan jika keduanya memaksamu untuk mempersekutukan dengan AKU sesuatu yang tidak ada pengetahuanmu tentang itu, maka janganlah kamu mengikuti keduanya, dan pergaulilah keduanya di dunia dengan baik, dan ikutilah jalan orang yang kembali kepada-KU, kemudian hanya kepadap-KU lah kembalimu, maka kuberitakan kepadamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.

16. Luqman berkata: “Hai anakku, sesungguhnya jika ada (sesuatu perbuatan) seberat biji sawi, dan berada dalam batu atau di langit atau di dalam bumi, niscaya ALLAH akan Mendatangkannya (Membalasinya). Sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha Halus lagi Maha Mengetahui”.

17. “Hai anakku, dirikanlah shalat, dan suruhlah manusia mengerjakan yang baik dan cegahlah mereka dari perbuatan mungkar, dan bershabarlah terhadap apa yang menimpa kamu. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu termasuk hal-hal yang diwajibkan (oleh ALLAH)”.

18. “Dan janganlah kamu memalingkan mukamu dari manusia (karena sombong) dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi dengan angkuh. Sesungguhnya ALLAH tidak Menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri”

19. “Dan sederhanakanlah kamu dalam berjalan dan lunakkanlah suaramu, sesungguhnya seburuk-buruknya suara adalah suara keledai”

(1st Launched @wordpressdated July 6, 2012)

Ihfadh Lisaanak

 Lisan in Arabic, tounge in English or lidah in Bahasa has a main role in our lives especially in communication. It could sometime endanger and save us as well.

Actually, the dangerous of it has been cleared. A wise sayings has already mentioned “A tongue is as sharp as a sword” and in Bahasa we have “Mulutmu Harimaumu” (Your mouth is your tiger). Both reflect how dangerous our lives would be if we do not manage this tactfully.

We also have to be careful with this, as human communication is really depended on it. We cannot create an effective communication, if we do not successfully handle it. Besides, an effective communication could maintain relationships as networking or sillaturahim that we should promote, because more than 90 percent of the Al Qur’an relates the importance of human relationships hablum minan naas.

We will be really appreciated if we do the charity, giving parts of our belongings to the others. But if it is followed with ada means we give it with always mention and mention all the time that can insult the one that we give, our endeavors would be fruitless and could endanger the essence of sillaturahim among us.

Through this part of body we would also perform ghibah and even the worstfitnah. Ghibah means we talk about something shameful that others do, behave, or act and spread it everywhere, and fitnah means we accused someone doing something shameful and embarrassing that the misery cannot be handled and haunted the rest of their lives, and for them it is better if they end their lives instead of they should face these shameful circumstances. Both then of course really endanger the silaturrahim and really against the principles of Ukhuwah Islamiyah that essencially promotes brotherhood and friendship.

Knowing its importance, ukhuwah is represented as (1) one body, so if, for example, our hand is sick, the whole body will also feel uncomfortable, and will cares to this and try to cure and heal the sickness, or as (2) one strong building bunyan, every part of the building takes part together with their own roles to make the building strong. Then, how could we hurt others, if it then means we hurt ourselves?

We should be responsible for anything we have and should give its benefits as many as possible for others, including this part of body. Then we should tell the truth regardless the conditions we face, Qulil Haq wa lau kana murran tell the truth even it is bitter. If we tell a lie, we will make someone unhappy if oneday he knows the truth. We can tell a lie maybe in this case as what we know as white lie, that is a lie told to create happiness in others and strengthen the relationships, eg. between husband and wife, as a token of appreciation, love and care; or for tabayyun asking for clarification, eg. when one of qishah our great prophet Muhammad, PBUH asked by some people in a rush and wanted to kill a man , whether he saw someone passed him, and he said no, but actually he saw him, then he wanted to do the tabayyun then he protected the man. But, after everything is clear then he accordingly punished or let the man free.

Our lisan, qalb heart, and amal endeavors should be confirmed among another to reflect certain behavior. Someone who are different in those three, eg for half yes and for the rest no, could be called as hypocrisy, and this is the worst endeavor of all and the place for people who do this is the deepest part of the hell asfala saafiliin. Three major characteristics of the hypocrisy: neglecting their duties, telling lies, and breaking rules and promises.

Hope ALLAH protect us all from such behaviors. Amien

(1st Launched @wordpressdated August 24,2012)

Take and Give

Give is more appreciative than Take. The spontaneous rewards like the feeling of ease and happy after giving something to someone will be directly perceived, but as a payback reward when we have been given something by, or have taken something from, we have to nicely respond to the givers.

Even though when we do not have anything, we can still make someone happy, that is through giving smile, and smile has been categorized as free n endeavor less charity, yet very powerful in maintaining relationships.

Doctors and beauticians have recommended the mouth exercise to make healthier body and younger appearance, but if we create a lot of friends and always smile to them every day, we do not need to do the mouth exercise regularly, because we have already done it in a different way.

The reflection of our happiness should be spread out through our friendly smiling faces to maintain good relationship.

There are some other endeavors that could enhance as well as maintenance relationship that can create a better space, a better place for all, as wrapped in one hadits ‘haqqul muslim a’lal muslim sittun’ there are six obligations of a muslim towards another:

The Prophet Muhammad, PBUH  said:”A Muslim has six obligations to another Muslim. “What are these?” they asked. He replied:”To greet another Muslim when you meet him; to respond when he invites you; to give him your (sincerest) advice when he seeks it; to say ‘may Allah have mercy upon you’ when he sneezes and says ‘ may Allah be praised; to visit him when he falls ill; and when he dies, to attend his funeral.” Source:

“Heal The World”
By Michael Jackson
There’s A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You’ll Find There’s No Need
To Cry
In This Place You’ll Feel
There’s No Hurt Or Sorrow
There Are Ways
To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place…
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
If You Want To Know Why
There’s A Love That
Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For
Joyful Giving
If We Try
We Shall See
In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And
Start Living
Then It Feels That Always
Love’s Enough For
Us Growing
So Make A Better World
Make A Better World…
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Dream We Were
Conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We
Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep
Strangling Life
Wound This Earth
Crucify Its Soul
Though It’s Plain To See
This World Is Heavenly
Be God’s Glow
We Could Fly So High
Let Our Spirits Never Die
In My Heart
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Create A World With
No Fear
Together We’ll Cry
Happy Tears
See The Nations Turn
Their Swords
Into Plowshares
We Could Really Get There
If You Cared Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
To Make A Better Place…
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me
You And For Me
 Heal the world we live in, save it for our children
Thanks to Jennifer Hailulu for correcting these lyrics.

(1st Launched @wordpressdated August 29,2012)

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Quote #2: Love

Woman   was made from the rib of a man,
She was not created from his head to top him
Nor from his feet to   be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him
From beneath his arm to be protected by him
Near his heart to beloved by him

(First launched @wordpress: nusadjaja's blog, dated March 2, 2012)

Quote #1: Children Learn What They Live

if a child lives with criticism
s/he learns to condemn

if a child lives with hostility
s/he learns to fight

if a child lives with ridicule
s/he learns to feel shy

if a child lives with shame,
s/he learns to feel guilty

if a child lives with tolerance,
s/he learns to be patient

if a child lives with encouragement,
s/he learns confidence

if a child lives with praise,
s/he learns to appreciate

if a child lives with fairness
s/he learns justice

if a child lives with security
s/he learns to have faith

if a child lives with approval
s/he learns to like himself

if a child lives with acceptance and friendship
s/he learns to find love in the world

(1st  launched dated June 6, 2012)

Forum #1: Wanita Idaman Lain


Assalamu’alaikum wRwB
Bu Nur, apa kabar? Hai, saya mau tanya nih. Menurut ajaran Islam apa yang harus dilakukan wanita muslimah, jika suami mulai tertarik pada wanita lain.
Terima kasih

(diterima via sms, hari Selasa, 5 Juni 2012, dengan permohonan ma’af yang sebesar-besarnya,  pertanyaannya di share, semoga bermanfa’at, karena mewakili suara kebanyakan kaum Hawa)


Wa’alaikumussalam wRwB
Kalau dari sudut Islam itu sudah jelas ya, kenapa dibukakan jalan untuk poligami, karena ALLAH Maha Tahu hambaNYA yang berjenis kelamin lelaki itu memang selalu ada kecenderungan ke arah sana ya, tapi juga ternyata persyaratannya tentunya tidaklah mudah karena harus adil, dan juga berat dihadapan ALLAH di saat tidak bisa melaksanakannya dengan baik.

Itu teorinya, namun ketika ternyata rumah tangga kita sendiri yang dihadapkan kepada permasalahan tersebut di atas, akanlah terasa berat sekali, dan agak sulit menerima kenyataan tersebut, tapi juga harus berfikir jernih dan taktis agar permasalahan tersebut tidak berlarut larut merontokkan kinerja bahkan jiwa kita, karena amanah sebagai istri dan ibu yang juga sekaligus karir tentunya juga telah sangat menyita waktu.
Menurut pemahaman pribadiku, ada beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan:

Cooling Down
Ketika kita sebagai istri mengetahui bahwa suami tercinta kita ternyata menyukai wanita lain, mungkin hal yang paling pertama dilakukan adalah: penenangan diri, dan jangan emosi yang dikedepankan, karena akan mengakibatkan  saling diam yang berlarut  cold war yang akan  menghambat ke proses selanjutnya, yaitu tidak akan tercapainya komunikasi yang sehat.

Setelah hati tenang barulah kita bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dan dengan kepala dingin, dan siap dengan proses selanjutnya yaitu klarifikasi tabayyun, dan meletakkan akar permasalahannya, barangkali saja itu hanya isu yang sengaja dikembangkan oleh orang yang kurang suka dengan keharmonisan keluarga kita, atau sudah jelas di depan mata kita dan mendengar sendiri pengakuan dari suami bahwa, iya dia sedang mencintai wanita lain. Untuk kasus yang terakhir bisa kita selanjutnya berdialog dan meminta alasan mengapa  suami menyukainya, dan harus siap mendengarkannya, terkadang hadirnya orang ke3 dapat juga berdampak positip, yaitu semakin mempererat hubungan suatu keluarga utuh (seperti yang sering dibicarakan SELINGKUH SELINGan Keluarga UtuH), dan terkadang hanya strategi suami saja agar lebih diperhatikan, karena sejalan dengan usia perjalanan pernikahan, biasanya isteripun terjebak dengan rutinitas di rumah atau di tempat bekerja, sehingga  perhatian terhadap pasangan pun tanpa kita sadari semakin memudar, agak kontroversial memang, karena dalam Islam tidak mengenal konsep Infidelity (perselingkuhan), karena dalam Islam, baru melihat nya pun sudah merupakan perjinahan mata, apalagi sudah ke fisik lainnya, dan tentunya haruslah ke dua belah fihak merasa takut sama ALLAH, karena itu bisa dikategorikan sebagai perjinahan ghoiru muhshonat yang sangat keras hukumannya, yaitu didera ke2nya sampai meninggal, namun belakangan ini dianggap sebagai perselingkuhan yang sangat aman, karena berlindung di balik kesucian institusi pernikahan, naudzu bILLAHi min dzalik…

Saatnya kita merenung dan merefleksikan diri di wilayah mana sesungguhnya perbaikan itu harus segera dilakukan:

Kasus 1:
Kalau suami kita selama perjalanan pernikahan menurut penilaian kita sebagai isteri, sangat memahami dan mendalami agama dengan baik, sangat baik perilakunya: perhatian, pekerja keras, sudah sangat melindungi dan mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga dengan baik, lantas pertanyaannya: bagaimana dengan kita sendiri, apakah sudah berupaya yang sama? Karena pada hakekatnya, selama perjalanan pernikahan, kita harus tetap menyelaraskan diri juga untuk tetap menjaga agar semua kualitas baik itupun kita tetap jaga.

Hindari terlalu berprasangka, tapi tumbuhkan kepercayaan penuh trust, karena kepercayaan itu selain merupakan do’a isteri agar suami tetap berada di jalanNYA, kitapun aman dengan kepercayaan kita, bahwa keimanan suami pun juga akan menjaga diri suami dari perlakuan yang tidak baik tersebut.

Kita bahas 1 kasus saja dulu ya, karena melalui refleksi tadi, baru kita tahu di posisi mana? Orang lain mungkin hanya akan mengurangi beban saja dengan mendengarkan, tapi sesungguhnya yang mengetahui dan merasakan dan sekaligus memilih mana yang terbaik itu adalah hak perogatif masing masing individu, namun sesungguhnya mohon bimbingan  teruslah hanya pada ALLAH semata, karena BELIAU lah yang Maha Tahu atas segala sesuatunya termasuk yang terbaik bagi hambaNYA, dan semoga ikhlas dalam menerima keputusanNYA, karena pada hakikatnya JODOH (perjodohan dengan siapa kita menikah, apakah berakhir dengan perceraian mati atau hidup, atau harus melalui poligami?), PATI (kematian) BAGJA (kebahagiaan), CILAKA (Mushibah), semua ada dalam genggamanNYA…

Sekarang hati kita lagi terusik dan sakit, tapi apabila kita simak ke5 pengobat hati: (1) Membaca sebanyak-banyak Ayat-ayat Al Qur’an dan maknanya, karena pada dasarnya semua permasalahan kehidupan kita sudah tercatat penyelesaian di dalamnya, semoga kita senantiasa diberi jalan yang terbaik dalam menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan kehidupan kita, amien. (2) Mendirikan Shalat malam, curahkanlah semua keluh kesah resah gundah kita hanya pada NYA, dan semoga kita pun terangkat  menjadi Hamba PilihanNYA yang diberi hati yang bijak dan perkataan yang berwibawa, Amien. (3) Bergaulah senantiasa dengan sebanyak-banyaknya orang shalih dan shalihah di sekitar kita, karena dengan merekalah hati kita akan merasa nyaman dan terlindungi karena nasihat2nya, baik tentang kebaikan maupun keshabaran, dan bukanlah dengan orang-orang yang tidak beriman, karena boleh jadi nasihatnya pun akan mendurhakaiNYA, seperti balas dengan melakukan yang sama, dll., karena semuanya tidak akan menyelesaikan permasalahan tetapi menuai kehancuran bagi kehidupan kita sendiri, tetaplah untuk menjaga diri ‘iffah’ di posisi manapun kita berada; (4) Memperbanyak shaum sunnah, karena dengan shaum sunnah, bersihlah hati dan fikiran kita, sehingga keputusan apapun yang ada di hadapan kita, kita akan lebih ikhlas menerimanya, karena di posisi manapun peran kita sebagai ibu harus tetap tegak, ibu harus tetap kuat, karena harus senantiasa mendampingi dan membimbing putera/puteri kita untuk menjadi penerus pilar pilar kehidupan yang mashlahat di muka bumi ini, dan (5) Memperbanyak berdzikir kepada ALLAH, karena sesungguhnya ‘Alaa Inna BidzikrILLAHi Tathma’innul Quluub’ hanya dengan banyak mengingat ALLAH lah hati kita akan merasa tentram,

Panjaang sekali, ya… Semoga bisa mengurangi gundah yang ada…
Dari teman sejatimu

(1st  launched dated June 5, 2012)

Forum #2: Tarawih Ramadhan

Ini malam pertamaku berniat shalat tarawih ramadhan 1433H di mesjid dekat rumah. Sengaja kupilih mesjid dekat rumah, karena Ramadhan sebelumnya, tarling- tarawih keliling; dua pertiga Ramadhan di masjid kampus Salman, Institut Teknologi Bandung yang sangat kurindukan, karena sejak masa remajaku, masa SMAku dan kuliahku dulu, tempat ini merupakan pusat kegiatanku untuk membina silaturahim serta berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman dengan sesama aktivis mahasiswa dari berbagai universitas dan berbagai bidang keilmuan, dalam wadah KARISMA-Keluarga Remaja Islam Masjid Salman ITB , yaitu di sekitar tahun 1985an, di mana masa jaya-jayanya KARISMA sangat terasa, membahana sampai ke seluruh penjuru nusantara, bahkan sampai ke beberapa negara tetangga seperti Malaysia. Dan tanpa terasa kegiatanku di sana sampai juga pada keorganisasian DPP Dewan Pembina Pembina, yang merupakan motornya segala arahan dan pembinaan semua Pembina Karisma yang ada pada saat itu.

Kerinduanku untuk kembali tarawih di sana sangat menggelitik, sekaligus juga terdukung oleh diterimanya putera pertamaku di Arsitektur ITB, yang pada saat itu berkesempatan menjadi panitia Ramadhan di mesjid tersebut.

Menimba ilmu dari sejumlah pakar: akademisi, politisi, ulama, menteri, maupun pejabat pemerintah, dan lain lain,sangatlah memberikan arti yang sangat luarbiasa terhadap perjalanan ruhaniyahku, insya ALLAH.
Untuk sepertiga Ramadhan nya lagi, kami lanjutkan di Mesjid Pusdai (Pusat Dakwah Islam). Terhanyut hati, rasa dan sekujur tubuh, merasakan khidmatnya iktikaf sampai hari menjelang malam takbiran. Itu tarawihku Ramadhan tahun lalu.

Tarawih dekat rumah ternyata memberikan arti lain bagi tali silaturrahimku dengan semua tetangga teman-teman pengajian yang sangat kucintai yang sudah lama juga tidak kusempatkan untuk silaturahim. Ternyata, luapan kebahagiaan silaturrahim dari tetangga sebelah rumah, serta mahasiswi yang telah begitu sangat kangen ingin saling bertemu, begitu terasa, tersadar diri, karena ternyata selama ini, aku terlalu disibukkan oleh rutinitas pekerjaan, yang cukup menyita waktu, dengan hari hari P4 ku, pergi pagi dan pulang petang.
Sambil menunggu shalat Isya, di sebelahku duduk salah seorang tetangga terbaikku, dan menyampaikan kisah sedihnya, bahwa adiknya terpaksa harus tidak lagi tinggal bersama suaminya, karena suaminya tiba-tiba pergi, setelah mengganggur cukup lama, dan mengandalkan semua kebutuhan keluarganya dari ibu mertuanya.

Kasus 2:
Tersentak, trenyuh sekaligus terharu sekali mendengarnya, di saat bulan penuh keberkahan, nun di sudut sana seorang isteri ditemani beberapa anaknya yang masih sangat kecil harus merasakan kepiluan yang mendalam karena kehilangan suami dan ayah tercintanya. Dan di sudut ruang yang lain, seorang suami yang seharusnya merasakan kedamaian Ramadhan di tengah keluarga tercintanya, ternyata harus menghabiskan ramadhan sendirian. Inilah kasus ke dua yang selanjutnya ingin aku sampaikan di forumku setelah kasus pertama diluncurkan beberapa waktu lalu, dalam bingkai wanita idaman lain.

Setelah wanita idaman lain, kehilangan pekerjaan juga merupakan pemicu bagi perpecahan suatu keluarga.
Dalam hal ini, terasa sulit untuk mengetahui siapa yang salah dan yang harus dipersalahkan. Namun, kenyataannya, sudah sangat banyak kejadiannya di depan mata, karena pengangguran pun terjadi di mana-mana.

Dari segi kepentingan pun, terasa sulit untuk dijadikan prioritas penyelesaian, karena semua fihak perlu penanganan tepat dalam waktu yang sangat cepat pula, karena kalau tidak difahami dan diselesaikan akar permasalahannya, akan berlarut dan menyeruakkan prahara yang semakin menganga.

Ada beberapa fihak yang harus saling memahami dan selalu saling bertenggang satu sama lain, agar kebahagian mutiara hati, putera puteri tercinta tidak ternodai dan tercerabut begitu saja, serta upaya sadar lainnya, agar tidak sampai menenggelamkan bahtera pernikahan yang sudah hampir kandas, akibat keputusan orang dewasa sekitar yang kurang tepat dan kurang bertanggungjawab:

Fihak suami
Kehilangan pekerjaan bagi seorang penanggung nafkah keluarga, yang secara sosialnya terwakili oleh kaum pria, dan secara faktualnya ternyata sangat banyak juga kaum hawa yang karena tuntutan kebutuhan yang ada, harus membanting tulang menafkahi keluarganya, adalah merupakan pemicu stress yang paling tinggi, di atas stress yang dialami karenan perceraian.

Bisa difahami, secara psikologis, karena bagi anak-anak kebahagiaan terletak pada bermain dengan sebayanya, dan tentunya bagi orang dewasa berkarya, atau bekerja bersama koleganya. Kehilangan pekerjaan, berarti kehilangan mata pencaharian, kehilangan pride, apalagi terkadang semakin diperparah dengan permintaan perceraian dari pasangan yang dicintainya, lengkaplah pemicu stress tertinggi serta kedua tertinggi sekaligus dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan teralami dan meporakporandakan sekaligus mengkandaskan seluruh harapan dan kebahagiaanya.

Fihak isteri
Memang tidak mudah menerima kenyataan bahwa suami tercinta harus kehilangan pekerjaan. Selain harus mengatur urusan rumah tangga yang tentunya tidak mudah dan murah, harus juga memahami psikologis suami yang mulai berubah, menjadi temperamental dan kekanak-kanakan. Ekstra shabar dan penuh kasih terhadap suami dan anak-anak tercinta, tetap harus menjadi kunci agar tidak semakin menambah prahara bagi berbagai fihak.

Berusaha hidup hemat, berfikir melakukan sesuatu yang dapat membantu keuangan keluarga, dengan tentunya berbicara langsung dengan keluarga terdekat. Biasanya, mereka lebih mengetahui kelebihan kita, sehingga memperoleh dukungan modal maupun moral bagi keinginan kita untuk membantu ekonomi keluarga.

Berbicara dengan fihak sekolah tempat putera puteri kita belajar, keterbukaan ini diharapkan bisa mempertahankan prestasi maupun keberlangsungan pembelajaran putra/i kita di sekolah. Dengan upaya pendekatan tersebut, biasanya tersedia beasiswa ataupun bantuan lainnya, sehingga putera/I kita tidak harus kena dampak harus putus sekolah.

Hadapi semua permasalahan dengan tenang , berfikir positif dan bersikaplah optimis, bahwa ALLAH Maha Pemberi Rizki, kepada siapapun hambaNYA, dengan banyak berdo’a dan berikhtiar. Pengalaman Siti Hajar ketika ditinggalkan di padang sahara tanpa air tanpa makanan bisa menjadi inspirasi kita untuk kuat dan mau berbuat dan berikhtiar mencari rizki guna mempertahankan keberlangsungan hidup putera/i tercinta.

Jangan pernah mengalah dan memperparah keadaan dengan meminta mengakhiri pernikahan itu sendiri, karena belum tentu kehidupan yang lebih baik yang akan dihadapi, selama suami selama ini beriman dan berprilaku baik; tetap berusahalah untuk memahami kondisi psikologisnya yang lagi terluka, semoga suami tercinta cepat pulih dan memiliki energi untuk melanjutkan kehidupannya dengan normal, dan mau berbuat sesuatu lagi untuk keberlangsungan kebahagiaan keluarga. Dukungan dan uluran kasih sayang anda yang tulus, sangat dia nantikan tentunya.

Fihak orang tua suami/istri
Ketulusan dalam memberikan dukungan baik modal maupun moral sangatlah penting, karena kalau disertai ada, kebalikannyalah yang akan dirasakan putera/i kita.

Banyak suami akhirnya memilih menceraikan putri kita bukan karena sudah tidak sayang lagi, dan tidak merasa berat berpisah dengan anak-anaknya, tetapi kebanyakan sudah lelah dan tidak dapat lagi mentolerir perkataan yang terus menerus terhadap semua kebaikan selama ini, yang akhirnya merontokkan harga dirinya sebagai suami.

Semoga, semua fihak bisa saling memahami, sehingga ujian ini cepat selesai, dan semuanya menikmati manis dari buah kesabarannya, amien…

(1st Launched @wordpressdated August 29,2012)


Through this blog, I would like to reveal the real life reflected from a long and hard journey of a woman who has been struggling hard in continuing her life.

In her lifetime, she’s got so many times stopping her breath and experiencing sudden death, but because of The Mercy of ALLAH, until now she still survives and can continue her life, but these happenings have created greater and greater love in her deep heart to The Creature of this Universe.

She has tried to take lessons from all these happenings and wants to share with; and for this purpose she has also tried to thrash out these in the following stages of her life chronologically: she started telling the time when she was a little girl, when she was rather wild and she had ever nightmare experienced, abrupt pulling of her hair by a monkey tightened in a tree, drowning in an irrigation stream and falling from a guava tree; and when she was teens, she had experienced falling from her motorcycle. Then, the sudden death was also happening when she gave birth her first son, her second daughter, and her third son, as well as her fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh miscarriages.

Now she has breathed in a new life, as she calls as her freedom and be a mom for her three wonderful kids to move the tough life through.  She has tried to be a good mom and to be good to herself, too.

She loves to read various fields of books, including the book of health and cure diseases, so when one of her beloved gets fever, and it has been more than three days under her careful treatment, she will immediately call for a doctor and do the sysmex blood analysis for her kids to find out the disease soon.

She also loves to ask all the people that have certain diseases and notes down the entire symptom so she will recognize well when the disease starts sneaking her beloved ones.   One disease that she always cautiously studies is dengue fever, because this disease always taking the life of its victim and  its recovery that really takes time, so supports from the caretakers surroundings are urgently required. She knows also from the thesaurus the definition of dengue fever - a tropical disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) and marked by high fever and severe muscle and joint pains.

She has patiently made a note of the victims of the disease that include the death of her first baby of her beloved youngest sister, the son of her colleague, one of her university students, and she learnt the lessons from each victim carefully.

And these are her findings: (1)   In the case of her beloved youngest sister: her sister was in the six month pregnancy of her first son when she had the disease, one thing that she was really shocked at that time was to know that the disease could take the baby away from a mom's womb; (2) In the case of the son of her colleague, she was really stunned by the great bleeding from the patient's nose, and the change of the color of his skin that became reddish like a barbeque lamb, and (3) In the case of one of her university male students in his last semester- after three days suffering from fever , then the fever has finally been subsided, he got up from his bed to take a bath, and when he brushed his teeth he had got multiple bleedings, and he could never be saved.

She has tried hard to recognize the entire symptom and concluded that the disease can: (1) take the baby out deadly from the womb of a young mom, and (2) create intolerable major bleeding as in the second and third cases.

She has then come to this chronicle:  “Dengue is not as beautiful as its name but it is a terrifying nightmare”

Here now comes to the point when destiny had led her to be one of the victims of mosquitoes and should be one of the patients of dengue fever. She did not realized for the first time that the disease was the disease that she wanted to be far away from. She just felt severe headache, high fever and great pain in the stomach, so she could not get up from the bed because of those pains, even worse, she did not want to eat or drink anything. She just sent her short messages to her staff to ask for someone who could massage to release the great pain in her stomach, she just thought that she had worked too hard lately so it all happened. But she then objected to give help  because of the high fever that she had, and then she just asked her to consult a doctor. Then her staff had helped her to visit a doctor, and doctor asked her to have blood laboratory test, and gave her tablets for reducing pain and fever, and asked her to come to visit him the next day. Then he really begged her to forget her busy day and take care of herself, because the result of the test was very clear enough for her to have hospital care.   

She wrote down all the symptoms that she had already suffered during the terrifying moment that she had experienced, like day by day severe headache, high fever and great pain in the stomach including serious period bleedings. Praise be to ALLAH, she could pass all her life through.

How to Survive

How to survive at home after judging by the doctor that the patient can be continuously nursed at home.

Recovery was the hardest effort that she should face, while she should take care of herself to get healed from the disease she should also take care of her kids, and did all her routines all by herself and soon after reaching home.

The first day at home, she could not sleep for twenty four hours, because of the great pain in her head. She just touched all the parts of her head, and prayed, prayed, prayed while touching all the pain parts in her head, and had to drink, drink, and drink a lot of fresh water without stop.  It was felt like miracle when the pain had set aside in the next day;

Lessons taken from this significant experience:

Ø      Seek for medical helps as soon as possible;
Ø      Ask them to have the blood laboratory test to be better mentally prepared for;
Ø      Drink, drink and drink a lot of fresh water as much as possible;
Ø      Drink more liquids that can promote the increase of trombocyth  in our blood, like drinking red seed guava, dates juices and honey;
Ø      Be positive thinking that we can fight this disease;
Ø      Encourage yourselves to have self high motivation to cure yourselves. 

Hope this information would be beneficial for everyone